Moy Vets, Hambleton 01253 701098
Moy Vets, Norcross Lane 01253 854545
Moy Vets's home page
Moy Vets, Hambleton 01253 701098
Moy Vets, Norcross Lane 01253 854545

Moy Vets, Norcross Lane

Moy Vets, Norcross Lane

Our Norcross Branch offers a range of treatments and services for small animals and family pets. Including routine surgical operations, dental procedures including dental X-rays, as well as Ultrasound and X-ray investigations. Our experienced team can provide guidance on keeping your pets healthy and in good shape, whilst also providing comprehensive veterinary care. As the surgery has grown, it has retained its friendly feel and staff pride themselves with the service and excellent care offered to clients and their pets.


At our Norcross Lane branch, we provide out-of-hours service for our clients. Should your pet have an accident or fall ill outside of our opening hours, including weekends and bank holidays, please call our usual number and wait to be connected to our emergency vets on call.

If you would like more information about the practice or if you would like to book an appointment, please call us on 01253 854545.

Branch details:

Address: Norcross Lane, Thornton, FY5 3FT

Tel: 01253 854545


Please telephone before arriving if you have not made an appointment.

Note that our telephones ring at both the Norcross and Hambleton branches, and your call will be picked up by the Reception teams at either branch.

Find our Opening Hours

Norcross Lane Facilities

  • Computerised record keeping
  • Separate waiting areas for Cats and Dogs
  • Air-conditioned waiting room
  • Separate consult rooms
  • Underfloor heating in kennels, cattery, and throughout the building
  • Dog Ward
  • Cat Ward
  • Isolation Ward
  • Comprehensive Anaesthetic and monitoring facilities
  • Operating Theatre
  • Separate Dental Theatre
  • Dental X-Rays
  • Radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Laboratory
  • Ultrasonic dental equipment
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Pharmacy
  • 24-hour emergency service



Find out more about our veterinary services and nurse clinics

Pet Health Club®

Pet Health Club®

Prevention is better than cure. With the Pet Health Club®, you can rest assured that your pet is in good hands.