Moy Vets, Hambleton 01253 701098
Moy Vets, Norcross Lane 01253 854545
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Moy Vets, Hambleton 01253 701098
Moy Vets, Norcross Lane 01253 854545

Weight Clinics

Find out more about our weight clinics

Weight Clinics

Find out more about our weight clinics

Did you know all our Branches offer a Weight Clinic with the Nurse to help you control your pet's weight?


Meet Bonnie

Bonnie successfully reduced her weight sensibly over a period of time with dedicated input from Bonnie’s owner. Bonnie’s owner is delighted with the slimmer Bonnie as it has helped ease her ailments.

Bonnie has since lost more weight since the picture below and is looking great!!!

If you feel you need help with your pet's weight please telephone and make an appointment with a Nurse.

Bonnie before treatment     Bonnie after treatment

Bonnie before weight clinics                      Bonnie after weight clinics

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