Moy Vets, Hambleton 01253 701098
Moy Vets, Norcross Lane 01253 854545
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Moy Vets, Hambleton 01253 701098
Moy Vets, Norcross Lane 01253 854545

BVA Schemes

BVA Hip & Elbow Scoring

BVA Schemes

BVA Hip & Elbow Scoring

At Moy Vets our Vets and Vet Nurses are experienced in taking quality x-rays under sedation for the British Veterinary Association (BVA) Canine Health schemes. Hip and Elbow X-rays are taken under reversible sedation so you are able to wait whilst the procedure is carried out, or whilst waiting, you can visit a nice local café to enjoy a beverage.

Moy Vets also offer the added service of a prediction of the scores before they are submitted to the BVA. This will be done by Michelle Lingard who has over 10​ years' experience and was trained extensively by Mark Lingard MRCVS DVR who held a Diploma in Veterinary Radiology.​

BVA Hip X-rays

Hip dysplasia is a common inherited orthopaedic problem of the dog. Hip dysplasia involves abnormal development of the structures that make up the hip joint leading to subsequent joint deformity. The BVA has the following further information:

BVA Elbow X-rays

Elbow dysplasia means, ‘abnormal development of the elbow’. The term includes a number of specific abnormalities that affect different sites within the joint. These cause problems by affecting growth of the cartilage which forms on the surface of the joint or the structures around it. The following BVA page provides further information:

To check if you feel your breed is relevant to any health screening schemes – follow this link to the Kennel Club Health Testing & Screening 

Our current pricing is:

Hip x-rays only (including sedation)  £267.00
Elbow x-rays only (including sedation) £332.00
Hip and Elbow x-rays together (including sedation) £358.00

BVA Submission Fees:

*subject to change by the BVA as this is their fee

Hip and Elbow £145.50
Hip or Elbow only £80.10

Owners should be aware:

  • Your dog must be at least one year old, but there is no upper age limit.
  • The dog must be permanently and uniquely indentified by way of microchip or tattoo (micro-chipping can be done at Moy Vets on the day).
  • You will need to bring all Kennel club registration documents with you on the day.
  • You will be required not to feed the dog on the morning of the x-rays.

What to expect

On arriving at the clinic, please present all documents to our receptionist. A nurse will then admit your dog. Once admitted, your dog will receive a full health check from the Vet and will be sedated with an injection into the muscle. Once the sedation has taken effect the x-rays will be taken by the nursing team and your dog will be woken up after the team are satisfied with the x-ray’s quality. The process normally lasts 2 - 3 hours, however, the effect of sedation is dog dependant and the time taken for the sedation to take effect may vary.

Here at Moy Vets, Michelle Lingard MRCVS offers a unique service and will give owners a prediction of the BVA hip or elbow score before the x-rays are sent away to the British Veterinary Association, either on the day of the appointment, or later at an agreed time via phone or video call.

Prices for submission to the BVA for Hip and Elbow scoring can be found on the BVA website. Website links to the BVA are used here by kind permission of the BVA.